
Job Application Letter

27 University Avenues
Brooklyn NY 11288

April 11, 2003
Ms. Mary Jones
Director of Campus Relations
XYZ Corporation
54 West Third Street
Albany, NY 10056

Dear Ms. Jones:           
I am interested in applying for the sales representative position recently advertised in The New York Times. The skills I have developed from my work experience and academic background support my candidacy for the announced position.         

As you can see from my resume, the internship I had with ABC Corporation provided an opportunity for me to gain practical experience with account maintenance and cold-calling new accounts. In addition, I have worked as a waiter for the past four years, learning firsthand how to effectively deal with customers and their demands. I have been formally commended by management several times, being named "Employee of the Month."       

I would very much like an opportunity to discuss your specific needs any my overall abilities regarding the announced position. You can reach me at (718)123-4567. Thank you for considering me for this position.       arrange for an interview


John K. Alberts             

Cara Membuat Cilok

Siapa yang ngga kenal cilok, jajanan yang sepertinya sudah menyebar kemana-mana. Makanan ini sebenarnya merupakan jajanan khas kota Bandung. Cilok sendiri adalah singkatan dari aci di colok. Karena itulah, cilok ini dijual dengan memakai tusuk bambu (kayak tusuk sate ya??! :D). Kalau sekarang, versinya sudah banyak banget, ada cimol (aci di cemol), juga ada cigor (aci di goreng). Tapi yang aku mau share kali ini adalah cara membuat cilok, coz baik cimol maupun cigor sebenarnya Cuma beda cara makannya aja. OK deh, kita mulai aja praktek membuat ciloknya!

  • 200 gr tepung kanji
  • 4 sdm munjung tepung terigu
  • 1 sdt maizena (untuk mengentalkan)
  • 1 btg seledri rajang halus
  • 250 ml air panas